Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Oink, Oink......

Okay, obviously the Lord doesn't think I have enough to do with two kids, a job, and school. Emi has the FLU!!! She has been mopey (word?) for a couple of days, and today she had a gross cough, so I took her to Dr. Thompson to be safe. By the time we got there this afternoon, her temperature was 101.6, and she. felt. TERRIBLE! Poor kid, she's miserable. Dr. Thompson swabbed her nose and of course.....FLU. Then he broke it to me very gently that she has swine flu. Lovely. He did go on to say that any flu right now is swine flu, and that I shouldn't be all bent out of shape. It's just like "regular" flu, and you treat it the same way. We left the Dr. office about 4, and by 5 her temp was 103, and she started throwing up. My poor girl. Bailey is absolutely fine....for now. When you have twins, the "well" one is always just a ticking time bomb. Here's a fun fact: Jamie can't stay home tomorrow because he has to go to a class and learn about how NOT to get/spread it. They don't want him to work, but they do want him to attend. Hmmmmm...........


  1. Poor baby! Make sure she gets ANY and EVERY little thing she wants!

  2. Okay, first your title for this post had me about falling out of my chair! You are an absolute nut (which I adore!). I hope Emi feels bettter really soon, and maybe the meds will keep the rest of you from getting too sick!
