Sunday, February 6, 2011

I'm baa-aaack!! This may be the world's longest post...or really short. I haven't decided yet. At this point my handful of followers know my story, but for the sake of blogging let me bring you up to speed. In the several months since my last post, a LOT of "life" has taken place. Jamie and I went through a somewhat painful, often ugly, dramatic divorce. The first couple of months were the most painful time of my life. I basically realized that everything I had known for the past ten years of my life was almost all completely false. I blamed myself, I blamed him, all the usual stages of something like that. Coming out on the other side of it all, I realize that some of the feelings I went through were unreasonable-but that is a place you have to reach all on your own. Our divorce was final on January 25. I can honestly say that I feel like a different person. I am emerging from this with a new outlook, newfound confidence, and more strength than I ever thought I had. But let me be clear; I couldn't have done it without the support of family, friends, and God. I don't know how ANY of them put up with me through the ups and downs (and believe me...there were TONS!). I'm learning more about myself every day, and I'm determined to be the best Kylie I can be. So here's where I am: I'm halfway through my first year of teaching. It has been a rough year, but I love my job, I love my school, and I love my first grade team. The strain of the divorce (emotional and financial) have been rough. I am in the process of moving out of the house we rent and into my parents' house. It was a decision that I struggled with a great deal, but is ultimately what's right for me and my girls. Living with my parents at 28 years old with 2 children is hardly ideal, but I'm SO VERY thankful that it is an option. We need some time to regroup and then start over. My parents are amazing, and ALWAYS have my matter the situation. Emi and Bailey are as entertaining as ever...which is why I knew I had to get back to blogging! I'm going to do my best to keep it up...we shall see!


  1. So glad to see you back! Even though I know all you have been through, reading this brought tears to my eyes as I read it. You are a stronger and better Kylie. You are a phenomenal mom who does anything she has to do for the good of your girls. Keep the faith and there is a brighter end for you.

  2. I am so glad you are back!! I have missed your blogs!

  3. Keep the faith, girl, keep the faith! You are woman, let me hear you roar!

  4. Kylie,
    I'm so sorry to hear about all that you've been through. Take care and keep God first and everything will turn out alright.
