Wednesday, May 6, 2009

YAC and the Mini-Trooper

Emi went to the Young Author's Conference in Reidsville today. She was so proud that she got to attend, and had a great time. Her only complaint was the "dramatic play was totally dramatic and I was scared...just a little". Apparently there was a very animated story teller, and she was a little to "out there" for Emi's taste.

After school, I had to run to Hinesville to turn in some notebooks, and the girls rode with me. When I went under the traffic light in town, it turned yellow as I was going under. Emi said "what's that yellow light mean?", which was odd to me since she's known since she was about 3 what it means. I told her it meant to slow down and get ready to stop when the light turns red. Her reply was, "I thought so, but you sure went by that one fast." Like I don't get enough of that from 385, now I'm taking it from a six-year-old. The topic of traffic law continued for a few minutes, when Bailey asked if Jamie was working. I told her that he was, and she asked, "in Trooper school?". For some reason, Trooper "school" comes up from time to time...I don't think they get that he's done with that. I told her that he was finished with Trooper school, and Emi said.....this was hilarious at the time...

"Sometimes he needs to go to Trooper school to learn how to be a manly Trooper."

I almost wrecked. So now he's not manly....hehehe. I asked her what on earth she meant by that; and she said that he's "very manly" and he needs to be a manly trooper. I'll have to tell him to brush up on his masculinity....HA!


  1. OMG! Wayne & I both laughed & laughed at that one... Your girls are hilarious! I'll be expecting a more manly trooper next time I see Jamie ~

  2. Jamie is going to throw your computer out the window!!! - but it is funny!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Those two are always good for a laugh! And what about Glennville PD?
