Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My girls..........

What can I say?!?! They are who they are...and are not going to change in the near future. Calysta told me today that "Bailey will be the reason they put margaritas on the salad bar"...which I totally agree with.

Jamie and Daddy played a round of golf this afternoon, and Jamie was in the mood for pizza when he got home. Emi is my "shopping buddy", so she and I went to The Pizza Place and placed our order, then went to Alco to kill a few minutes. While we were there we ran into Missi (you made the blog!!). Missi asked if I was missing a child, and Emi whipped her head around at me and said "Do we even KNOW her?!?!" Uummmm...manners much?!? I told her that Missi taught at Aunt Jamie's school, and thought she would turn to Missi and make an attempt at manners...but instead she kept saying "What's her name?" over and over. So much for a polite introduction. Poor Missi....

After that little ordeal, we went to pick up our food, and when Ricky came to the window...super nerd very excitedly greeted him with "HEY MR. HAPPY!!" Happy...Smiley...get it?!? If I had the time to write a would be a best-seller!


  1. Absolutely! I'd buy an advance copy. LOL! Maybe when you're finished with school. Just stick the idea back...

  2. They will have driven me completely insane by then, and all the quotes and crack-ups will be forgotten!

  3. That last one is funny... :)

  4. Never disappointed when I stop by! Makes me feel somewhat nornmal in my insane world -- I'm just saying! :) Keep the faith sista -- I just keep praying that one day his comedy will bring in the bucks (which of course, will have to pay for my therapy).

  5. They are always good for a laugh!! Did you bust out laughing in Mr. Happy's face? Uncontainable!
