Monday, March 8, 2010

Baby love........

Bailey is SUCH a snuggly baby. She'll come up to me or Jamie and smush her little face right up against ours when we're doing anything. She has read more than her fair share of college papers, just so she could "get a cuddle". Even when I really NEED the arm she's squishing...I tell myself that all too soon those days will be gone. Here's what I saw while I was cooking supper tonight....

(They were looking at pics on Facebook...LOL!!)


  1. LOVE IT! And, yes. Enjoy it while it lasts... all too soon they don't want to be in the same room with you for long, much less, God forbid, TOUCH YOU!

  2. Awww, that is sweet!!! Jamie is even getting better at posing! Colby is soooo loving too and I just love it!
